So I've spoken with Equifax, put in a fraud alert and frozen my credit. I removed myself as an authorized user for 4 accounts, with one as me in the primary. It turns out the home loan I found during my credit report was with me as an authorized user counting my dad's loan, which was a relief. I also spoken with my parents threatening to prosecute them for fraud for the 17 year old account, they said they'll get the collection fixed (since apparently it was a glitch and it was paid, they showed me proof) and pay back all my debt. Their reasoning was "we wanted to build you up credit while we raised you as an adult." Would I be an accessory of fraud for not reporting this? Is that something they can do? I was an authorized user on this one, and the primary one is 4 years old.
Should I start pressing charges? Or is this reasonable?
Update 2: I was on a three-way call with my mom and the collection agency, and they straightened out my collection and revised it. As of right now, that's all they've done.
Submitted January 31, 2017 at 03:40PM by Shroom-Cat