I love YNAB, but it's always been hard for me to recommend to people that they pay money to help them save money. It's even harder now that YNAB has switched to a subscription service. So I made a free, poor man's budget that mimics as closely as possible a YNAB-style budget.*
I've tried to make it as simple as possible to use. Just copy the two "template" tabs and name them with the current year. Put the year in the top-left corner as well, and then you're ready to go! If you've got the previous year in there already, it should automatically pull the info from that so your budget rolls over from one year to the next.
Categories are also easy to add/change -- just add them to your budget tab, and they should auto-populate in the transactions drop-down list.
Any feedback is welcome! I'd love to hear what you guys think, or if you have any suggestions of what to change. Happy budgeting!
(*Note: It mimics YNAB 4. I haven't used the new subscription-based YNAB.)
Edit: To copy it for yourself, go to File > Make a copy.
Submitted January 02, 2017 at 01:30PM by jeffhughes http://ift.tt/2hKL60C