I have a -7.75 sph / -3.25 cyl / 15 axis on my right and a -7 sph / -2.25 / 165 axis on my left, and have been wearing crappy, small sized, coke-bottled glasses for about 15 years.
Are there any affordable and fashionable eyewear for people like me (wayfarers, clubmasters, anything at all)?
I understand that the smaller the shape of the lenses, the thinner they'd look, but would going for round-shaped glasses (like these!) help in any way?
Does anyone have suggestions from Zenni/Glassesusa/Warby Parker/Costco/EyeBuyDirect for such high prescriptions? What are your experiences like (pictures would help a lot!).
I have VSP insurance in the California bay area, but I am guessing even with the insurance, local in-network shops would cost a fortune, right?
I currently use contact lenses, but I'd like to go for glasses since they're quite fashionable nowadays.
January 22, 2017 at 09:06PM