After completing my 4 year degree, I purchased 4 books in semester one. I realised throughout the semester that I'd used the books maybe 3-4 times (typical student). The cost of the books, $300, didn't seem feasible. I looked into other avenues and found that the library has most books available for short (3-7 day loan). You can also scan a certain number of pages (I think it could be 10% - I'm in Australia - check this to ensure you aren't doing it illegally) and just scan the select few you need at the time. I did this successfully throughout my degree and found it rather easy and no major effort at all!
By doing this, I spent approximately $50-100 for my remaining 7 semesters. In comparison, my colleagues spent $2500-3000 for the same educative experience.
For those books that you absolutely need, either borrow from a friend, or buy second hand. You can save hundreds, if not thousands this way also!
TL;DR - Books expensive. Borrow from library. Paid $300 buying books Sem 1. Spent $50-100 for remaining 7 semesters through borrowing/scanning pages I needed (see above for legal issues - unsure if countries have different laws). Colleagues spent $2500-3000 over the four years in comparison.
Submitted January 16, 2017 at 10:12AM by Shaunzki