High speed pursuits are against police policy in Delaware, but they did it anyway, chasing for over thirty miles and crossing jurisdiction. The suspect (20yo, driving a rental car) tboned them, rolling their car into the ditch. Rescue used jaws of life to get her and her friend out and rushed to hospital.
She received the worst, injuries including a Shattered wrist, broken pelvis, dislocated leg from hip, severe concussion, fractured sternum, and a few fractures and severe cuts and bruises. She should be discharged tomorrow after numerous surgeries, and headed to rehab for two weeks. She is a caretaker of the elderly, which requires a decent amount of lifting, which she most likely won't be able to do for quite a while if at all due to injured pelvis and wrist.
So my question is what should she do? Are the cops at any fault? What should she do if the suspect doesn't have insurance? She has decent savings, but if she's out of work for an extended time she will burn through that fairly quickly.
Submitted January 09, 2017 at 11:46AM by Accidentshappen000 http://ift.tt/2iVu0MA